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Ride Guidelines

FCCC primarily focuses on safety and the pure enjoyment of cycling. On any of our Guidelines to maximize the safety and enjoyment of the experience for yourself and others.

  1. ACKNOWLEDGE: You are solely responsible for your safety at all times. This includes complying with FCCC's Safety Policies and the terms and conditions for participation stated in the FCCC insurance waiver. If, at any time, you believe conditions are unsafe, it is your responsibility to immediately discontinue further participation in the ride or activity. Ride Organizers, Starters, Leaders, and/or Sweepers are not responsible for the safety of Ride Participants.

  2. EVALUATE: Please evaluate the difficulty of the ride you are considering relative to your physical abilities and interests prior to participation. Contact the Ride Organizer if you have any questions about whether the ride is an appropriate choice for you.

  3. ON-TIME: Please arrive prior to the start of the ride as specified in the ride announcement. Important pre-ride briefings will usually occur before the start time.

  4. PREPARE: Conduct a thorough pre-ride bike inspection to confirm the overall mechanical functionality of your bike. For each ride bring your helmet, protective eyewear, adequate water/food, appropriate weather-specific clothing (including items for potential adverse weather), and repair tools (e.g., spare tubes, pump/compressed air, bike multi-tool, tire changing tools). Your bike should have safety flashers with fully charged batteries. Use of flashers and high visibility clothing is encouraged regardless of time of day or light conditions. We suggest you develop a check list for preparing to ride and the items you routinely need, particularly for long-distance rides.

  5. ROUTE: It is critical to know the ride route and designated regroup points, if applicable. If there are sub-groups during the ride, confirm that one of the riders with whom you are cycling knows the route and the next regroup point. Printed route maps are not provided by FCCC. Please download the route or print a route map and/or cue sheet prior to participating in a ride.

  6. EMERGENCY CONTACT: You are responsible for having emergency contact information with you during all FCCC rides. We suggest using Road ID or having another form of visible emergency contact information (e.g., a bracelet, necklace, or shoe-tag).

  7. COMMUNICATION and SUPPORT: Please look for opportunities to support other Ride Participants, the Ride Organizers, Starters, Leaders, and/or Sweepers. If, for whatever reason, you decide not to complete a ride (or need to ride ahead), communicate your intentions to the Ride Organizers, Starters, Leaders, and/or Sweepers. Lastly, if you use headphones or ear coverings, make sure they will not impede your ability to hear vocal calls.

  8. SAFETY CONCERNS: Generally, non-urgent safety concerns are best communicated via post-ride comments to the ride leader or the FCCC Safety Manager and without speaking to specific riders. If a safety concern needs to be addressed during the ride, please be respectful and congenial. Everyone invariably makes mistakes in cycling. Also, maintaining an open mind facilitates a learning environment for all participants and may lead to improved ride safety and general/group riding skills.

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