Amy & Gary's for the briefing & appetizers: 537 Saint Michaels Drive, Fort Collins 80525
If it's too cold or snowy for you to be out riding a bike; you may still attend the (dining) gatherings at Amy & Gary's, and Dorsi's. Registered diners who choose not to bike may linger at Amy & Gary's, before going to Dorsi's house.
Please, be registered; if you intend to eat some of the food offered (and do the bike ride or not).
Please, deck your bike out in lights, and wear your holiday kit for a fun and festive event!
Ride Starter: Martin Ditzel.
D-paced, (less than 13-mph), 17-miler with <400-vertical-feet, clockwise (CW) loop, including stops: then Gardens On Spring Creek -- Garden Of Lights winter holiday lights festive display; ... including a break at club member (Dorsi's) home for warm brisket sliders, a relish tray, chips, warm cider, and (filtered) water; ... Old Town Square (to view displays); ... back to Amy & Gary's house for dessert!
Route Map:
A ten-dollar (suggested) donation, payable while registering, is to be collected to cover costs of foods and beverages offered by hosts.
As usual, this club does not offer alcoholic beverages; but you may bring your own.
We will be viewing the Garden Of Lights display from outside the fenced-off area; so, a ticket is not required.